Summer Watch

Whilst we have all faced an unprecedented, turbulent and challenging few months, with far reaching changes to our daily lives, the burst of spring has provided solace for many – watching Mother Nature take hold and burst into life.  

As we move into the summer months, we take a look at the top tips for looking after wildlife in your garden, with the help of our expert, Charlotte Owen, Wild Call Officer at the Sussex Wildlife Trust.

Let your lawn grow wild:
Give the mower a rest and create your own ‘mini meadow’. Dandelions are a rich source of early nectar, and most lawns are full of daisies, clover and other wildflowers that will attract bees and butterflies.

Start a compost heap:
Rotting garden and kitchen waste is broken down by worms and beetles, providing free fertiliser for your flowerbeds and a feast for hungry hedgehogs, frogs, toads and slow worms.

Provide fresh water:
During hot, dry weather a dish of clean water can be a lifesaver for thirsty wildlife, and birds will appreciate a bath as well as a drink.

Avoid using chemicals in the garden:
Weed killers can be bad for bees and other insects, and slug pellets can be dangerous to hedgehogs.

Images used:
Blue Tit ©Derek Middleton, Sussex Wildlife Trust.
Butterfly, © Mike Read (2008)